Strategy Manager

Strategy Manager helps companies make the right crop and energy strategy based on their goals. Strategy Manager guides you in converting your annual strategy into the right targets for temperature, lighting, production and more. In addition, Strategy Manager helps create a simple and clear overview of different growing strategies.

For a bird's eye view on your crop and energy strategy

Create multiple strategy scenarios

Choose the most suitable strategy

Start running your optimal strategy

All your crop strategy and energy consumption data linked and visualized in one place. 

Key benefits

All data in one place

All data, including growing strategies and personal dashboard are available in one place ( platform).

Intelligent growing guidance

The Strategy Manager provides intelligent growing guidance based on your own historical data.

Easy to use historical data

Easy to use and connect to your own historical data, without the need to import and/or export data manually.

Create different scenarios

Possibility to make different crop and energy scenarios, compare them and choose the optimal one.

Plant Empowerment principles

The Strategy Manager follows the Plant Empowerment principles (GPE). 

6+ years user experience

Strategy Manager is tested and has been used for over 6 years. We continuously develop the product and update our software.

Strategy Manager Crop

Strategy Manager is a tool that helps growers easily create cultivation strategies along with a clear overview of different scenarios. We give clients flexibility in this process by reducing the confusion and effort involved. Besides tomato, now also cucumber has been added as crop to create strategies for.

Strategy Manager Energy

Strategy Manager Energy [add-on] helps companies to estimate their energy consumption fully linked to their crop strategy and greenhouse compartment(s). It guides you in converting your annual crop strategy into the right targets for heating and lighting and vice versa. Hence, you get clear insights of your energy costs next to your production goals. In addition, Strategy Manager provides the possibility to compare multiple scenarios in a simple and clear overview. 


Compare different scenarios and choose the optimal strategy.