LetsGrow.com enters into collaboration with SenseNL

  • December 22, 2021
    • Collaboration

The year 2021 was a successful year for LetsGrow.com. They celebrated their 20th anniversary and many new modules and features were added to the platform MyLetsGrow. More and more growers worldwide are practicing Data Driven Growing and to make this even easier for them, LetsGrow.com is now joining forces with SenseNL.

SenseNL is the producer of the wireless substrate-independent CARA MET sensor. This sensor provides insight into what is happening in the root zone of a plant. Good information from substrate mat and water is of great value when it comes to watering a greenhouse. By measuring things like water level, EC, and temperature of the substrate mat or block as accurately as possible, the irrigation and fertilization strategy can be optimized. The CARA MET sensors are used to measure at several measurement points in the greenhouse and create a good profile of what is happening in the substrate mat or block. In addition to the resulting insights, the data can also be used in decision support tools. For example, a grower can, in combination with the expected radiation, automatically determine what time the last watering should take place. This ultimately leads to higher quality and quantity of the crop.

A partnership with a vision for the future

The collaboration with SenseNL and the eventual offering of the CARA MET sensor fits the vision for the future of LetsGrow.com. Ton van Dijk, Global Head of Sales & Operations at LetsGrow.com explains: “At LetsGrow.com we work very hard every day with only one goal: Improving the results of our customers. We do this by turning data into valuable information through data collection, visualization, analysis, and ultimately optimization. All to give the grower more insight into what is happening in the greenhouse. SenseNL is a good match for us in this respect, as they are striving for the same values”.

Bonny Heeren of SenseNL, agrees: “Enabling a grower to get everything out of the crop is, just like LetsGrow.com, our goal at SenseNL. We often talk about ‘precision irrigation’ and with the CARA MET sensor and the data analyses from LetsGrow.com, this is quite possible. The accurate data from the sensor ultimately provides reliable information and can subsequently be used in a wide range of applications. From the irrigation strategy to, for example, the harvest prognosis of the crop”.

Improving the result

By offering growers the CARA MET sensor via LetsGrow.com, unlocking it via the MyLetsGrow platform, and then linking it to smart decision support tools, LetsGrow.com can help a grower to further improve the watering and therefore the result of the crop.

Would you like to receive more information about the deployment of the CARA MET sensor on your farm? Leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible!

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