LetsGrow.com empowers grower with Digital Crop Management

  • February 11, 2020
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Imagine: You record a high-resolution video in your greenhouse and upload the footage from an app on your phone to a platform shared with fellow growers of your choice. You rate your crop with similar ease and so do your colleagues from across the country or even the globe. You have access to the same dashboard that not only displays what you recorded and how you rated each other’s crops; it includes all environmental circumstances your crop experienced at both time of recording and the surrounding days. Context is immediate. A call is all it takes to discuss and compare crops, and what you discuss is easily captured on the same page as your videos, ratings, and context.

This is a data-driven reality that LetsGrow.com has created in less than three months, making it the first platform to truly enable Digital Crop Management from any location.

The Digital Crop Management solution – which enables growers to exchange, rate, and discuss video recordings along with relevant climate circumstances – was developed by LetsGrow.com at a record pace. This would not have been possible without a close working relationship with several market-leading customers. The solution combines four functionalities into a single dashboard and allows growers to have data-driven conversations from any location with a working internet connection.

High-quality video recordings

LetsGrow.com’s mobile application [iOS/Android] is part of the core solution. Ease of uploading videos, as well as the quality of the recordings, is key to turning a great opportunity for data-driven discussions into a valued necessity.

Past experiences from growers in the Netherlands, a country renowned for its capacity to grow optimally in terms of both quality and yield, have shown that photos offer suboptimal grounds for fruitful discussions. Only [high-quality] videos can provide sufficient detail.

Alongside videos, crop ratings are entered based on crucial cultivation elements such as crop color and setting. The growers can then log into their dashboard from any location to watch all crop footage, their own and that of the other growers in the group while discussing comparisons made.

Alongside data protection, it are the needs and choices of our customers that are at the core of our business. It is the close cooperation with our customers that has resulted in a unique solution that allows growers to safeguard knowledge shared as well as further optimise their crop quality and yields.” […] “Another advantage is that growers are able to continue their visits to one another digitally; because of all of the plant viruses, plant diseases and pests going around, many growers are unable to see and discuss each other’s crops; now, once again, they can share knowledge and improve growing methods and circumstances.”

Ton van Dijk, Global Head of Sales & Operations LetsGrow.com

Centralized knowledge base

Furthermore, while watching footage taken of the crops at various locations and comparing their ratings, growers are able to capture feedback in the very same overview. This allows them to retain all knowledge shared and makes it accessible to all users who are in the same crop group. They can even store documents there.

Unique to MyLetsGrow

What makes MyLetsGrow truly unique is the addition of climate circumstances to the same dashboard as the videos, ratings, and feedback. This creates an overview containing all context required and enables the growers to challenge their own experiences by adding context to the discussions and facilitating the exchange of data interpretations.

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